Introduce your national team to the other international participants


Deadline : november 6th



All national teams are invited to introduce themselves to the other participants with a short video clip. Keep it light, dynamic, and fun!


The purpose of your video is to present both students and teachers, your university, and a glimpse of your city or region. We’d also love to hear your motivations for joining the ACEEPT Project Week 2024 and your expectations for the event!


These videos will be uploaded before the project week begins, allowing everyone to get to know all ACEEPT 2024 participants before arriving in Switzerland !



The purpose of this task is to help everyone to familiarize with the other national teams and get to know the other participants. This is aiming at creating a positive and collaborative atmosphere among students, professors, and professionals as soon as the conference starts.

Format and timing


We request a 5-minute video clip from each national team, to be sent to our host team coordinator :  


As for the technical details, please follow the instructions below:


Orientation: Horizontal
Proportion: 16:9
Minimal Resolution: 1280x720 pixel (better if 1920x1080)

Format: MP4 or mov (Apple format)


Mention/title of your document as well as the subject of your e-mail : “ACEEPT 2024 VIDEO +your country”.


Please do so at the lastest for November 6th, so we can upload all the videos on time for you to watch them before the online kick-off.


As soon as we all videos will have been received, the process of uploading them onto the ACEEPT website will start. The videos will remain available to all participants and for public consultation for free on this website (at the page "Video’s National Team").


PS: By sending the video you accept that it will be published and made public on the association’s website. We therefore have to request that you to fill out a privacy release form (sorry for bothering you, but it is unavoidable!). When recording your video, also please avoid wearing garments with overexposed private brands.


Requested material


We want to get to know you as a team! Instead of standard promotional videos, we’re looking for unique, homemade content that showcases your team’s personality and gives us insight into your university experience. Be as creative, fun, and innovative as possible. The goal is to present yourselves in a way that stands out, so think outside the box and make a lasting impression!




We are looking forward to meeting you digitally (well at first at least)