Exchange and Master programmes at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus)

The host institution


The University of Bologna (Italian: Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, UniBO) is a research university primarily located in Bologna, Italy. It is claimed to be the oldest university (still at work today) in the world, as its foundation traces back to 1088. UniBO is commonly ranked in the first places of national, European and international rankings along several indicators for the quality of research and teaching.


It counts more than 90,000 undergraduate students across 11 schools, plus 4,200 doctoral students. The academic staff (organized into 33 departments) consists of almost 3,000 professors and a similar number of heads is counted among the members of the administrative staff. The University also has campuses in Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini and a branch center abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


As for the Rimini Campus, the first University courses at Rimini date back to 1972; then, in the 80’s degree programmes were started in Statistics and Economics (particularly related to the tourism sector). When other degrees were added (Industrial Chemistry, Fashion, Pharmacy, Motor Science, Medicine and Educational Science) a proper university dimension began to take shape.

To match this expansion, there has been a growth of services and scientific-teaching areas supporting students (the centralized library, the student association, ICT laboratories, a Wi-Fi network, a language centre, study rooms, services for international projects, welcome and help for foreign students, the psychological support service, etc.), and likewise laboratories for scientific and technological research on behalf of the teaching staff (laboratories for Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biomedicine).

The Rimini Campus is also actively supported by local institutions providing concrete help to integrate and boost the University Campus in a spirit of awareness that working together towards common goals is a winning strategy for economic and social development of the surrounding area.


We take this opportunity to kindly acknowledge one of these lorganizations, Unirimini Spa (, for the generous financial and practical support provided to the organization of the ACEEPT Project Week 2022. 




Exchange programmes at the University of Bologna:


The University of Bologna takes part in many exchange programmes, giving students from all over the world the opportunity to follow part of their educational programme at the various campuses in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini.


The Internationalization strategy of the Alma Mater is based on the recognition and enhancement of the variety of subjects offered, along with skill in networking with foreign Universities. European Projects for Education and Training are an important tool to achieve the internationalization goals, therefore UniBO is actively involved in all the Erasmus+ Programme. More detailed information can be found at the following links: 






Master's programme in Tourism Economics and Management at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus):


Among the master's degree programmes offered by the University of Bologna at the Rimini Campus, one might be of particular interest for the students participating in the ACEEPT Project Week, that is, the International Master's Degree in Tourism Economics and Management (TEaM).


TEaM is a two-year postgraduate degree (Laurea Magistrale, in Italian), equivalent to a M.Sc. The programme prepares managers and professionals that are able to tackle the global challenges of contemporary tourism: being, at the same time, engine for economic growth, key-player of sustainable development, and promoter of the cultural heritage. Upon graduation this tourism degree allows students to pursue a career in the following sectors: accommodation and food service operations, international travel and tourism organizations, visitor bureaus and conventions, tourism development agencies, recreational businesses, cruise ships, resorts, theme parks, airlines.


The programme is certified by the UNWTO -  TedQual certification and the faculty includes several research scholars with top publications in the field of tourism economics and management and also involved in many interesting research projects.


TEaM students are therefore offered unique opportunity to deepen their studies in the field of tourism, combining the excellence of the most ancient university of the world with the ability of local entrepreneurs and the public administration in developing a flourishing tourism destination. If interested in more details, please visit the programme's official webpage: