Research Analysis : Benchmark the destinations most subject to seasonal activity in your own country and analyse one that you identify as having done substential efforts towards a year-round activity period (360°) and that is now able to creating value through investments, new products, events, communication, etc...



Deadline : november 12th



Pre-task 2.1 : Short-list a few destinations in your country (where your university is located) that  have a substantial uneven number of visitors during the various periods of the year and where you see that their infrastructure is mainly focused on one specific season (such as a beach destination in summer or a ski resort in winter) but is now striving to transform into a year-round tourist hub


Pre-task 2.2 : Analyse the main sustainable reasons (social, natural and economic) why you think that your chosen destination had to change its strategy and adapt its products, investments


Pre-task 2.3 : Do some research on their actions to optimize the economic activity over the year and thus allow local partners to have a better income. Identify the main products that have changed in the recent years in that given destination in order to achieve the new strategy and goal of creating value over the whole year. Evalue the way their communication has changed and is not focused only or mainly on one season.


Pre-task 2.4 : Anticipate the future and explain your views on the potential of this destination in the future. What they will still have to adapt ? Are they, according to your analysis, on the right track ? What would you suggest them to change in order to eventually better achieve their goals ?


Prepare a maximum 12 minutes presentation the chosen destination, focusing on how it is working to redefine its strategy to attract visitors throughout the entire year. This may include diversifying tourism offerings, developing new activities for off-season months, or promoting local cultural, natural, or gastronomic heritage to appeal to different types of travelers. Be sure to include examples of actions taken to support this transformation, such as infrastructure development, marketing campaigns, or policy changes aimed at sustaining year-round economic activity.


Lastly, discuss how the destination is currently perceived by the local community and policymakers, and how these strategies are being received. Highlight the tourism promotion strategies in place and whether the destination is now part of a broader, year-round itinerary in your region or country.




We aim to explore how destinations can break free from seasonal tourism dependence by adopting more sustainable, all-year-round tourism models. Through this task, participants will better understand how such strategies contribute to local economic growth, job creation as well as natural and cultural preservation. We challenge teams to analyze their chosen destination’s efforts and share best practices for this transformation


Format and timing


Each national team will give a 12 minutes oral presentation on-site, involving as many speakers as necessary. Presentations will take place in Sierre, on Monday Nov 18th 2024.


Requested material


Prepare a clear visual presentation, such as a set of slides (pptx or pdf), to support your presentation. Keep the design simple and clear, using a readable font (e.g., dark text on a light background) with minimal text on each slide. Pictures and animations are encouraged but should not be overused.


The presentation will have to be sent per e-mail to by November 12th.