

Choose a tourist destination/attraction in your own region (i.e., the region/province/district

where your University is located) that you believe may fit well into the category of the so-called

off-the-beaten track” and also features a prominent salience in terms of “cultural heritage”,

intended as the patrimony of the local community, consisting of tangible culture (in form of buildings, monuments, works of art, artifacts, etc.), intangible culture (folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge) and natural heritage (landscapes, biodiversity, etc.); and inherited from past generations

as a product of a selection and preservation process, aimed at maintaining this patrimony’s value

intact and in authentic conditions.


Present the chosen destination/attraction, describing the specific aspect of the tangible and/or intangible culture (or natural heritage) of your region related to it, as well as the actions/initiatives

that have been undertaken over time to preserve it throughout the recent history.


Finally, discuss how this destination/attraction is currently valued by the local community and poliymakers as a tourist spot in your country, specifying also the tourism promotion strategies

in use and the extent to which it is proposed as part of a wider tourist route/itinerary. 





We would like all participants to get familiar with the notion/idea of “cultural heritage”, prompting

them to fully grasp its definition and meaning, as well as its value for the tourism industry and the underlying potential for a sustainable development of the local economy. We challenge national

teams to translate this idea into a specific case-study from their own territory, and analyze the

best practices adopted for its preservation and its promotion as a tourist attraction/destination.



Formatting and timing:


We expect each national team to give an oral presentation (lasting around 15 minutes), involving      the number of speakers which is believed to be the most convenient. All presentations will be given    on-site in Rimini, on Monday, November 21st, 2022.  



Requested material:


For this Pre-Task, we recommend to prepare a reasonable number of slides (PowerPoint or PDF)

to be used along the oral presentation. Please use an easy-readable font (e.g. dark color for words, against a light background) and stick to few sentences in each slide (we appreciate highlights; avoid putting too much text, squeezed in a small space). Pictures and animations (if not too many) are

also very appreciated.