Youth Hostel Saarbrücken
Meerwiesertalweg 31
66123 Saarbruecken
phone: +49 681 33040
From the train station to the “youth hostel” it is about 25 minutes walking distance. With the bus, it takes about 12 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays: First Tram S1 (Saarbahn Richtung: "Brebach") to tram station: “Johanneskirche”, then: Bus Line 101 (Bus Richtung: "Dudweiler Dudoplatz") to Bus Station “An der Trift”, every 60 minutes. [Or Bus 102 ("Bus Richtung: Dudweiler Dudoplatz") to Bus Station "Waldhaus", then 10 minutes by foot or by Bus 101 ("Richtung: SB Rabbiner-Rülf-Platz") to Bus Station “An der Trift". It costs 2,60€ per person and takes about 30 minutes.] During the week: Bus Line 124, bus station: “An der Trift".
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All information is without guarantee and subject to change without notice. You should double-check all posted information before making any booking.