Pre-Task I: Introduce your national team to the rest of the AcEept family!



All national teams are invited to introduce themselves, presenting their members (both students     

and teachers), university and region of provenance to the rest of the participants, by means of a

short video clip. We are also looking forward to hearing about your motivations for taking part in

the ACEEPT Project Week 2022 as well as your expectations in regard to this event!





We want to come to know each other as much as possible! This is crucial to give start to a 

fruitful and enjoyable cooperation among all students, professors and professionals who are participating in the Project Week  :)



Formatting and timing:


We request a 5-minute video clip from each national team, to be sent to the local organizing      commitee no later than Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Please send your file attached to an e-mail at the address:, indicating 

“ACEEPT 2022 – PreTask I – your country” in the object.


As for the technical details, please follow the instructions below:

orientation: horizontal

proportion: 16:9;

minimal resolution: 1280x720 pixel (better if 1920x1080);

format: .mp4 o .mov (apple format).


All videos will be uploaded on the official Youtube channel of the Department of Economics

(DSE) of the University of Bologna (see

starting from Monday, November 14th, 2022 and will remain available to all participants for free

and public consultation through a link posted here, on this website (at the page "Videos & Foto Gallery").  


PS: As the video-clips will be posted online and made freely available, we request you to fill

out a privacy release form (sorry for bothering you, but it is unavoidable!). When recording your

video, please avoid wearing garments with overexposed private brands.  




Requested material:


Off-the-shelf promotional videos of your university and region are of very little interest for us: they          do not tell anything about you! At the opposite, hand-crafted/home-made videos are particularily welcome. Keep in mind that any smart, innovative and creative solution for the accomplishment of          Pre-Task I is highly appreciated.