The main research focus of ACEEPT 2023: “Future-Proof City Trips” will be how to keep city trips relevant, how to keep cities appealing as flourishing, sustainable tourism destinations in the future. As a main target group, we will focus on “the young urban travelers”: They love doing city-trips, but they have seen most of the famous overrun A-cities (see below), and they look for something more and something different.
So, which cities shall we focus on? Not the famous mass-tourism cities like many of us have one in our home countries (Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin etc.): the so called Alpha- cities or A-cities.
Instead, we chose to put our focus towards the Beta- cities or secondary cities: this does not mean these cities are less interesting or less beautiful to explore: it only means that they are less known, especially to the foreign visitor. That is exactly the reason why these beta-cities hold a lot of potential for city tourism in each of our countries.
The benefits and opportunities are multiple:
We believe that this topic is highly relevant for all of you:
You, tourism students
You, soon-to-be tourism professionals
You, the young urban travelers of the future!
In the various pre-tasks before and during the project week itself, we will explore this topic from different angles: what does it mean for your own national tourism reality: your own beta-cities?
What does it mean for host country Belgium?
What does it mean specifically for Beta-city Antwerp, our home base during the project week? Let’s find out…